Rabu, 18 Maret 2009
My reflection in learning English
The English test result in the last week was very surprised. My result is not good. It means my ability is not good and must be increased. And so is my application.
English lesson is very important in our life to face this global era. Someone who have a little ability in English will have difficulties to face the competition in the future. Someone who is good in English will be easy to win the competition in work world. So, from this time we must optimize our competence in English language.
To increase my ability in English can be done with many ways, some of them are:
• Getting data from blogs
• Access from internet
• Find TOEFL test CD
• Use English in our daily
• Etc
How is the way to make us more competence than our friends?
1. Competence in English
The way to increase our competence in English is like: train our ability in
communication,express idea, understand English language, etc.
2. Competence in Mathematic
What is the really mathematics?
a. Have assumption what is the really mathematics.
b. Understand mathematics concepts.
T here are a lot of concepts in mathematics. Some of them can be definition of a
sentence concept, can define number, line, angle etc.
c. Axioms
Mathematics is analysis.
The truth in Mathematics experiment must based on logic (must be consistent or
there is no contradiction).
That is my reflection in learning english, i hope i can be better in english and mathematics.
Rabu, 11 Maret 2009
The meaning of mathematics
The object of mathematics is abstract object. There are 2 ways to get the abstract object.
1. Abstraction
Abstract and abstraction is different. Example abstract: the price of thing, the value of thing, the material of thing, etc. what happen in mathematics? In mathematics, abstraction means the value of something.
2. Idealization
Nothing is perfect . We always assume that something is perfect, but perfect is God’s. We assume that something is sharp, but truly there is nothing which is sharp perfectly. We assume that line is straight. But truly there isn’t a perfect straight line. Mathematics is an art.
What is the object of mathematics?
The object of mathematics is structure, system, formula, pattern, etc. Mathematics is a science which is formed deductively and contains theorems.
The characteristic of mathematics is logic and consistent.
Based a professor from Melbourne University, the characteristic of mathematics is conjecture (thinking, predict) and conviction( to communicate the thinking)
Based from Prof Katagiri from Japans, mathematics consist of 3 aspects:
1. Mathematical attitude
Mathematical attitude is positive thinking, have a question, have a critical when study mathematics.
2. Mathematical method
The mathematical method is :
a. Deduction
Deduction is a method to take a conclusion from general to specific.
b. Induction
Induction is a method to take a conclusion from specific to general.
c. Syllogism
Premise 1 : I am a UNY student
premise 2 : all UNY student have a student card
conclusion : I have a student card.
d. Logic
logic is a knowledge to learn the principle of reflections and take the valid conclusion.
e. Prove
3. Mathematical content
Kinds of the object of mathematics:
a. Formal object: deductive method, inductive method, syllogism method, logic, prove
b. Material object: thinking object, learning based on the ages.
The power of mathematics is critical thinking.
The meaning of mathematics is realistic mathematics:
1. Horizontal mathematics
2. Vertical mathematics
It is my writing about mathematics and its characteristics. I hope I will be useful for the readers. I hope you can see that mathematics is not a simple thing.
Rabu, 04 Maret 2009
Last week I had a first meeting English lesson II. For this semester the lecturer is Mr. Marsigit. He is very interesting and nice. He graduated from London university in 1996. He went to Japan at the first time in 2000. Now, he can go to Japan to join some meetings annually.
Last week, he explained that this semester’s exercices must be written at our blogs. Because it is formal blog, so we must fill our blog with formal photos and writings. And the most important thing is don’t make any plagiatism. Our blog must be his blog’s follower at http://marsigitenglish.blogspot.com. But it’s his second blog. His main blog is http://powermathematics.blogspot.com. In his main blog, he wrote elegies/sad songs about students, lecturers and teachers’ condition. But this writing can’t be understood easily by common people.
There are 5 points to study English well:
1. Motivation
Motivation is very important. If we don’t have motivation, we can’t understand the lesson well. From right now, we must love English language and don’t be afraid to start to do something. Motivation is not only willingness, but also our feeling, happiness, our focus and our belief that we can. Motivation can help us to love English and make us more bravier to practice our ability.
2. Attitude
Our attitude to English must be good. We must think that English is very important.so, we should make some tactics to study English.
3. Understanding
Knowing English is needed to built our ability. With knowing, we can learn English easily. We can start from knowing the structures, grammars etc. We also must be responsible with our way. If we understand others, we can work with other friends easily.
4. Skill
Our speaking skill influence English learning. Skill can be increased with using it in our daily life.
5. Experience
Experience can make us better. It can help us to learn the wrong and the right. So, we must try to practice our skill. Then we will be experienced with English.
Those are some tips to reach your success in learning English. It’s enough and sorry for my mistakes.