Rabu, 18 Maret 2009

My reflection in learning English

To know our ability in English lesson, it was done English test. And the result can be used as our reflection. Is our competence in English good or not. So we can know what we must to do for the next step.

The English test result in the last week was very surprised. My result is not good. It means my ability is not good and must be increased. And so is my application.
English lesson is very important in our life to face this global era. Someone who have a little ability in English will have difficulties to face the competition in the future. Someone who is good in English will be easy to win the competition in work world. So, from this time we must optimize our competence in English language.

To increase my ability in English can be done with many ways, some of them are:
• Getting data from blogs
• Access from internet
• Find TOEFL test CD
• Use English in our daily
• Etc

How is the way to make us more competence than our friends?
1. Competence in English
The way to increase our competence in English is like: train our ability in
communication,express idea, understand English language, etc.
2. Competence in Mathematic
What is the really mathematics?
a. Have assumption what is the really mathematics.
b. Understand mathematics concepts.
T here are a lot of concepts in mathematics. Some of them can be definition of a
sentence concept, can define number, line, angle etc.
c. Axioms
Mathematics is analysis.
The truth in Mathematics experiment must based on logic (must be consistent or
there is no contradiction).
That is my reflection in learning english, i hope i can be better in english and mathematics.

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