Senin, 28 Desember 2009

My small research

Most junior high school students think mathematics is the most difficult lessons. They tend to prefer to learn other subjects in the comparative study mathematics. They learn mathematics considers only makes them dizzy with the formula-the formula is complicated. They also considered the formula too much given, they do not quite understand the previous formula, but was given a new formula is more complicated, because so many formulas that they had been increasingly reluctant to start learning. When given the task by their teachers prefer cheating friends than doing the job themselves.
Seventh grade math class consisting of junior integer, fraction, algebra and application, one-variable linear equation, linear inequality and 1 variable ratio

In small research I took respondents my brother Muhammad Fathoni Nurrohman. He is students of the junior high N 2 KARANGANYAR RSBI class. In grades last semester, he had scored 88. And on the mathematics test which given RSBI provincial education office and central java math score of 93. In the first semester Mathematics subjects that he received yesterday consists of an integer, fraction, algebra and application, one-variable linear equation, linear inequalities with one variable and comparison. According to the last semester of the most difficult chapter is a comparison.

In this research I want to identify why he did not master the chapter comparisons. The purpose of this research is to know how to think she and her understanding of the extent to which the comparison. To find out we need to know mathematical thinking. According to mathematical thinking katagiri has three parts of this. The first is Mathematical Attitude. We must suit our attitude in mathematics attitude to get it .

In this study I provide a few questions to see how understanding he was on the comparison.
Problem one: find the value of at equation
The first problem in doing this, he worked with the methods of commutative and distributive, so he managed to find the value of x in equation

Problem two:
A project finish approximate 25 days when the project will be build 12 persons. Done after 15 days, stopped 4 days. The project must be finished at 25 days, so how much added many person?
In his work he wrote
time that should be done = 25 days
Time left = 21 days
Workers start = 12
Workers end = 21/25 *12

He stopped working because the answer is fractional, whereas the number of workers cannot be fraction. In working on this second question, he still difficulties in mathematics realistic. so that the necessary understanding about the practice, in order to better understand the problems the application of the comparison.

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